June 29, 2010

9 a.m & Still Love You

28th June,

5.00 p.m - Irham came home from school , looking worried. "Esok pagi Mama mesti dah tak sayang E'am lagi... E'am dpt no 21...Mama kena datang school ambil report card "

29th June,

8.30 a.m - Went to SKBSD3 to pick up Irham's report card.

9.00 a.m - Sent this sms to Irham "Dah pukul 9 pagi. ..Mama dah ambil report card... And guess what, Mama rasa Mama sayang you more today than yesterday..."

June 27, 2010

Why I Love The Word "Heart"

I was inspired by the book Purification of the Heart by Hamza Yusuf ; one of the meaningful gifts I've ever received...

From the book's Acknowledgements:

"On the Day of Judgment no one is safe save the one who returns to God with a pure heart" (Al Quran)

"Surely in the breasts of humanity is a lump of flesh, if sound then the whole body is sound, and if corrupt then the whole body is corrupt. Is it not the heart ? " ( Prophet Muhammad)

June 15, 2010

My Best Friend's Wedding, 12 June 2010

Today my male best friend got married... We've been friends for almost 18 years and i really treasure our friendship ...

"I am so happy for you, dear Ali...
May you and Fatin share a long, healthy, joyous journey together..."